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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    It will be (none / 0) (#2)
    by LookingforReagan on Sun Feb 05, 2012 at 06:49:24 AM EST
    A cold cold day in the pit of Hell before I will ever cast a vote for McRommney. No more spineless RINO'S for me. This has got to stop somewhere. Let it be here and now. The fact that must be brought home to the elites of this party is they cannont win without Conservatives. As much as they dispise us and do their best to disparage us they can't win squat without us. Let the "Geriatric Old Party" fall and let a new Conservative Party rise from the ashes. If we don't stop this lunacy now then tell me when? None of the current crop of contenders does anything to energize the base. Paul is a loon, Newt has to much baggage, Mitt is McCain light and Santorum, what's with the Jimmy Carter sweaters? The best candidates we have are sitting this one out. Between the butt lick leftist media and the Republican Party elites they know it is an effort in futility to enter a race that was decided months ago by the few that control the party apparatus. But yet they go through the motions and spend millions to put on this dog and poney show to try and give themselves an aire of legitimacy. It isn't working boys. The game is up. We know the facts and what happens behind the curtain. I maybe only one voice but there are many like me and we are fed up.

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