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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    If that's actually the case... (none / 0) (#7)
    by KG One on Sun Feb 26, 2012 at 08:15:21 PM EST
    ...then why go through the "formality" of the board actually voting on something this week?

    The state already did its part.

    It gave to the district, which in turn, promptly blew its budget.

    Let those who voted the board in deal with the results of their choice.

    I also shouldn't have to remind anyone that those kids aren't really going anywhere.

    DPS? That's in worse shape than Highland Park.

    Macomb County? They are not schools of choice for those living outside of the county and won't take them. Besides Lakeshore, East Detroit, Van Dyke & Fitzgerald are already dealing with enough trouble students as it is who have lied about where they really live.

    From what I've looked up so far, the other districts in Wayne and those in the Oakland aren't exactly rolling out the welcome mat either.

    That pittance the state is offering won't get many takers amomg the privates and charters.

    So, since HB-4445 is obviously Plan "A", what's Plan "B"?


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