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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    You're NOT alone... (none / 0) (#1)
    by Corinthian Scales on Thu Feb 23, 2012 at 08:54:39 PM EST
    Roughly 20 minutes ago I got off the phone with a Romney campaign sponsored telephone town hall, featuring Willard's blowhard YouTube thug, Krispy Kreme Christie.

    Yes, I went into the question que and waited for approximately 3 1/2 mins before the campaign folk (town hall operator) asked me if I had a question Guv Krispy Kreme.  It went kinda like this...

    THO:  Corinthian, good evening. Do you have a question for the governor?

    CS:  Not so much for him, but for the Romney campaign.

    THO:  You do?  OK, how may I help?

    CS:  Could you please tell me what one needs to do to have the Romney campaign and his Restore Our Future SuperPAC to stop calling my house?

    THO: {silence}

    CS:  Do you have an answer for my question, or do I need to ask governor Krispy Kreme for the answer?

    THO:  I will be sure to pass that along to the Romney campaign.

    CS:  May I ask you a question before you go?

    THO:  Sure.  Yes sir.  How may I help?

    CS:  Between you and I, do the folks you work for seriously believe that someone in Michigan could really care about what a typical blowhard from NJ has to say?  Especially a moderate and I'm being generous with the term moderate when I say that.

    THO:  {silence}

    CS:  Hey, I'm not going to put you on the spot, but after 5 years of Willard campaigning and drawing lower numbers that in 2008, you establishment guys should really take the hint.  Have a good night and don't call again.  Thanks.

    For all I know, rubes are still on their phones  listening to Krispy Kreme.


    • Exactly. by JGillman, 02/23/2012 09:14:14 PM EST (none / 0)

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