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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Queer (none / 0) (#14)
    by Corinthian Scales on Thu Feb 23, 2012 at 11:08:04 AM EST
    Rather queer narrative you choose on this, I'd say.  I know that if I am in the right on a matter of legal issue there's no way in hell that I'd cower from someone just because they are present with a camera.  For that matter, I would be more than willing to explain the situation in its entirety while being on camera by the interviewer and with documentation of my own peoples camera.  None of these campaign operatives such as Lennox, are without that capability.  Hell, that's how he made a name for himself.

    The fact remains that Lennox has increasingly become a creepy a-hole within the Party when it comes to chosen means to his operative ends.

    Dennis Lennox an activist closely tied to the Romney and Durant campaigns claimed to be an organizer of the event with authority to "kick out anyone I want to". After entering the event and clearly marking a seat with paperwork and coat, the reporter left the stuffy confines of the room for fresh air and was refused re-entry by Lennox who threatened at one point "...if you don't leave, I will call the police."  There were no signs saying that there was no re-entry.  Mr. Lennox claimed that the rules of the event forbid people from leaving and re-entering the room.  When pressed by Mr. Anderson to show the rules, Mr. Lennox refused.

    It was not until approximately twenty minutes later when MI4CS organizer Cindy Gamrat was finally involved in the dispute that the MI TEA PARTY NEWS reporter was finally allowed back into the event. As is the official policy of MITeaPartyNews.com, the reporter was clearly and unmistakably unbiased in his appearance and demeanor at all times, with no campaigning for any candidate taking place.

    In respect to the cowering behavior displayed in the topic video it really contrasts with the overtly obnoxious and by any means necessary actions that are a colorful framework that has been habitually on display.

    This also is rather reflective upon the Willard slime machine that has the same MO.


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