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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    welcome (none / 0) (#6)
    by Tom McMillin on Sun Feb 12, 2012 at 01:36:31 PM EST
    welcome to the group of Compact supporters - some of the things you identify can't be done at the state level without a compact, some are already done and the rest will be done more effectively and won't be able able to be overturned by feds, with a compact!

    and there's no pooh-poohing going on...yeah, this entity could gather info -- wow - any entity can gather info.  there's no mandating giving up info.  and let's, together, make sure any info they get is vaulted up really really good, ok?

    • yeah, our current prorata share is $29B.  that's just a fact.  that's what MI will get.  if it were $200.00 or $5,000.00 or $1M, you'd still say "well, what if...what if...what if...it were to increase and increase...oh my, the sky is falling" -- the states get a prorata share of what the feds plan to spend - get it?  simple.  nothing hidden.  no bogeymen...just prorata. ok?

    • and if we're taking power AWAY from the feds, methinks we may want it broad...if it were narrow, you'd complain that we're leaving too much with the feds.


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