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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    debate at state (none / 0) (#11)
    by Tom McMillin on Mon Feb 13, 2012 at 08:16:15 AM EST
    seriously?  for a $5 mandate, you're willing to say you'd rather healthcare be done at the fed level?  I didn't answer it, because the issue actually proves my point about bringing healthcare and the debates about it to the state level.
    no, i don't support more mandates.  yes, i'd like more options - more choice in healthcare and i am quite certain the Compact will inject choice and options and freedom into the equation.
    ...so, you don't think the feds put mandates?  we're talking about medicare, medicaid, obamacare...you do realize that, right?  "mandate" would be generous to describe these.  and the ability of the feds to curve spending in those areas is dubious at best.  we see the train wreck of debt coming and the Compact is one way to attack it and help save our nation (among many other benes the Compact gives to citizens).
    -- and by the way, if we get 56 reps or 19 senators to oppose any state mandate, its out (or not in).  try that with contraception at the fed level...or any of the thousands of mandates, strings, restrictions at the fed level.
    We either want to leave any healthcare decisions at the fed level or we don't - can we affect policy change, can we fight for freedom, better when its at the fed or state level?  pick sides.
    (and i oppose the gov't bridge.)


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