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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    *deity. Should've added phony to that too. (none / 0) (#11)
    by Corinthian Scales on Tue Nov 27, 2012 at 12:21:51 PM EST
    Asked and answered part 2 (none / 0) (#13)
    by Tucker on Tue Nov 27, 2012 at 02:54:08 PM EST
    You just keep digging that hole of ignorance deeper scales, don't you?

    FYI. I didn't vote for Ron Paul. I don't do drugs, including alcohol. I've even used the term "Paulbot" when warranted. Ron Paul is just a man who has some good ideas.

    I have to say... based on your uneducated ravings here... you seem to be the poster child for a Ronald Reagan quote when he said:

    "It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so."


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