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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Interesting deduction (none / 0) (#11)
    by Corinthian Scales on Sun Jan 22, 2012 at 11:49:24 AM EST
    Well, it would be interesting if I had just had a lobotomy while boarding the LibTard short bus heading to the maize and blue Kremlin that you inhabit, but I didn't.

    Now for starters, what George Soros does own is shares of HNA Group, which is also the parent of joint venture Harbin-Embraer, a ChiCom AVIC-II.  Odd that you chose an "Undetermined" snopes link and a very indicting GAO link as your inadequately researched "completeness" Liberal bray.

    OK, let's start with George Soros' bought Global Wealth Redistributer-in-Chief and the ties with Socialist Brazil.  Shall we start with Apollo Alliance and goonoin labor darling, Leo Gerard?  Gee, what a coinky-dink that billions headed on down to palindrome mans Petrobras, isn't it?  OWSers.  Yet again, damn near another billion of U.S. tax dollars sent to Brazil government owned Embraer as a pass through for HNA Group partner.  Cha-ching for George Schwartz, err, Soros... well, Soros as of 1936 anyway.  On top of that, with Jeffrey Immelt being Jug Hussein Ears right-hand man, Immelt has also brought "evil things to life" for George Schwartz' HNA Group.  I'm so shocked.

    So, I'm not surprised about Sierra Nevada, which is nothing but a "prime contractor" front pass through for the Brazilian wealth transfer scheme.  They, Sierra Nevada, or Fatih Ozmen has had Dingy Harry is his pocket for years.

    Fatih Ozmen -- $27,000
    Reid's fifth-highest individual donor, with at least $27,000 in contributions, is Fatih Ozmen, 52, the chief executive of Sierra Nevada Corp., a defense contractor based in Sparks, Nevada. Ozmen joined Sierra Nevada in 1981 and acquired the company in 1994 with his wife Eren, who is now company president. The firm has come under intense scrutiny for seeking no-bid contracts and spending upwards of $500,000 on lobbying efforts in its peak year of 2007. Most of its lobbying expenditures have gone to the PMA Group, the now-defunct lobbying firm at the center of recent pay-to-play allegations involving the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee. Reid has consistently worked to secure funding for Nevada companies in the defense appropriations process, Sierra Nevada among them. In December 2009, Reid praised the enactment of an appropriations bill that included a $3.2-million project for Sierra Nevada to develop a system for unmanned military aircraft to avoid collisions. Reid also secured $9.5 million for Sierra Nevada projects in the FY 2007 defense budget. "Defense funding is crucial to protect the people of Nevada," Reid announced in a 2006 statement. "This money will be used to develop new programs and continue current projects that keep our state and country safe." Ozmen did not respond to requests for comment.

    Oh?  No kidding?

    Sierra Nevada's share of the Pentagon budget, which has nearly doubled since 2001 to $610 billion , pales when compared with the billions in federal dollars reaped by the nation's top defense contractors, such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing and Northrup Grumman.

    But what Sierra Nevada has over these defense giants, records show, is that most of its government money since 2000 - about 84 percent - has come from sole-source or no-bid contracts.

    That concerns Scott Amey, general counsel for the Project on Government Oversight, a public interest watchdog group in Washington.

    "It raises questions about whether taxpayer dollars are being spent wisely," Amey said. "It's an indication that we're not taking advantage of the marketplace to assure the American public is getting the most out of the goods and services being provided."

    Gee, thanks Dingy Harry, comrade Levin and whatever DoD kickback mole for sticking U.S. taxpayers with the lucrative part of Sierra Nevada fronting the HNA Group connected Embraer... the service and training slush fund.  If there's a congresscritter in DC worth his salt he will make it a priority to keep tabs on that part of the billion dollar contract.

    Bottom line.  There is no Soros conspiracy.  This is all just the Democratic Party loving insider trading convicted George Soros Socialism way of doing business.

    Such a happy little pair of Marxists, aren't they?


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