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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Malik Zulu Shabazz, National Chairman of the New (none / 0) (#1)
    by RushLake on Tue Aug 30, 2011 at 02:16:42 PM EST
    Black Panther Party and boss of the thug trash that intimidated Philadelphia voters in 2008 (and who were let off the hook by another africanhyphenamerican fuehrer named Eric Holder) will not be happy with $327 million, billion or trillion in reparations dollars. Africanhyphenamericans can never be paid enough of the the loot...er, uh tax dollars in Zulu world.

    In an ideal world which does not exist in Michigan, Gov. Gran....er, uh Snyder would be thrown out at the end of one term and a candidate elected in his place that does not think that the racists and rentamobs of Detroit are more important than the rest of us. Candidate Snyder was often on the Mildred Gaddis WCHB AM radio program during the campaign last year and was always greeted with deference by the inflammatory Gaddis and her even more inflammatory regular listeners. (Not so with the black man named Bob Young who was running for reelection to the State Supreme Court and who was skewered by caller after caller when he guested.) IMO Snyder is pushing the NTIC, aka DRIC, aka Rashida Tlaib Commemorative Bridge because government money has to be spent on goonion (thanks for that CS) "workers" who, in the case of a Detroit job, will often be africanhyphenamerican Detroiters. Snyder learned well from the Coolman Young/RINO Milliken relationship.    

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