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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    the truth about HB 4087 (none / 0) (#1)
    by Tom McMillin on Sun Jun 26, 2011 at 10:05:50 PM EST
    Actually, the substitute for HB4087 has a cut-off date of 1/1/2007 - meaning anyone who hasn't been legally vested, they are included in the ban on retiree benefits.  This is better than HB4081, which exempted third termers from the ban. See:


    Could we have passed a law banning benes already vested?  Yes - but in politician form, that would have meant the whole law would have been thrown out down the road...and wahlah - all politicians, including us, would have retained their retiree benes.

    The budget got done, then we passed this.  Once passed by the senate and signed by the Governor, the first actual savings from this will occur 1/1/13, when the first legislators currently serving and having spent 6 years (third termers only) who are 55 at that time, won't get the benefit that they would have.  Passing the law now, in September, next February or next August would have all represented the same savings.

    Now that we've saved about $20,000 in 2013, let's keep pushing for significant reforms and savings, like the MI House has been doing.

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