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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Those who would harm us the most have found (none / 0) (#1)
    by RushLake on Tue Jun 21, 2011 at 05:59:05 AM EST
    that a short catchy descriptor for what they are doing is an easy thing for the masses to think they grasp and to repeat. Thus perhaps, "The Grand Vision". The proponents of such a thing can feed it to the selected news organizations (TV 9/10 news out of TC comes immediately to mind in your neck of the woods).

    I know people who never read anything, never go on line except to email jokes; who rely upon mass media to shape their vision of the world. One or two word sound bites is all they need. CNN, MSLSD, NBS, ABS, CBS anyone? "Hope" "Change".

    Years ago, abortion rights were sold to a lot of people because they were described as something to be used "only in the case of rape or incest" and would be "safe and rare". Who would want their sister to bear the child of a vile rapist? That's not what the proponents really believed because that's not how you destroy the black family unit and keep them dependent upon the liberal plantation and voting democrat.

    "Assault Weapons", "Saturday Night Special" "gun show loophole", "outdated second amendment", "gun buyback program", "the police are your friend".

    Conservatives tend to want to be clear in their message and that usually take more than two or three words.  

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