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      Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

      Raise the curtain.

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      Reality based planning (5.00 / 1) (#3)
      by Pogo on Thu Jun 16, 2011 at 05:29:52 AM EST
           The current situation: Mr. Snyder was elected eight months ago, by a healthy margin. An effort to recall him has no more prospect of success than Ron Paul getting elected president. What WOULD the effect of that push be? A minor irritation to Snyder, a major P.R. gleefest for the Democrats, and a likely chilling effect on any conservative state legislative efforts.

           Do conservatives have to sit back quietly and suffer without objection for the next three and a half years? Not at all. There is an upcoming opportunity to change the ground game. Sometime in the near future the Republican state committee will get together and decide what form the Michigan 2012 presidential nomination procedure will take. While the decision is in their hands, I suspect that they would not be able to ignore an effectively organized outpouring of opinion from core Republican voters. A vote to NOT hold an open primary in 2012 would be an implicit rebuke to Mr. Snyder's 2010 nomination, as well as considerably reducing the prospects of RINO presidential candidates.

           I was told by someone involved in state level (Rep. party) decision making that pressure is being applied from the top to prevent any publicity or awareness of alternatives to an open primary (closed primary, caucus, or convention). Without being directly told, I inferred this to be coming from those with an eye on a spot on the Romney bandwagon. If a caucus or convention is chosen for the primary, Certain Influential Individuals are going to be highly pissed off.

           Websites like this one provide a valuable opportunity to get the word out that we do have a choice. The opportunity to act will probably be in the next few months (I still have to find out more about the timeframes), and would be a chance to take doable, positive action that I don't want to miss. Precinct delegates should particularly take note.

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