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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Corruption and Lack of Father Access Hurt DPS Kids (none / 0) (#14)
    by DougDante on Wed May 25, 2011 at 08:56:31 PM EST
    Corruption and Lack of Father Access Hurt DPS Kids

    DPS is by far the worst large school system in the nation, and it receives approximately the same per pupil base grant that every school district in Michigan gets.  Detroit received total of $12,750  per student for the 2009-2010 school year, more than other districts which far outperform them,  according to Michigan's Department of Education's painfully detailed report showing the funding and spending on instruction per district.  (Please note that DPS spends a disproportionate amount of per pupil money on non-instructional spending)

    There two significant factors in why I think that these kids are getting a rotten deal from their education:

    1. Corruption:  Google: site:freep.com "detroit public schools" indicted for more information on the criminals who have been stealing from Detroit Public Schools (and Detroit's children) for years.  

    2. Lack of Father Access!

    Please also note: "the adverse effects of a father's absence on the development of his children are well documented"  US Department of Education

    However, with many children in Detroit having unwed parents, the Wayne County Friend of the Court and the 3rd Circuit Court do not appear to honor their legal mandate to  enforce parenting time under the Michigan Friend of the Court Act, specifically respond to parenting time complaints under MCL 552.511b, and to make forms available so that parents can make proper complaints, despite the fact that they are paid our federal tax dollars under US Code TITLE 42 > CHAPTER 7 > SUBCHAPTER IV > Part D > § 669b to provide access and visitation services to children and parents.

    Also, I believe that DPS, like many other districts, has a history of appearing to violate FERPA (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act) by refusing unwed fathers access to educational information or other information about their children (including, but not limited to, informing them of evidence that their children are being abused).

    Add to this that the State of Michigan generally takes children from mothers accused of abuse and refuses to provide individualized hearings for fathers who are accused of no wrongoing, as a matter of explicitly stated law and policy and you have the makings of a government that appears to fail to understand that fathers play a vital and positive role in the lives of their children.

    Perhaps that has to do with the Title IV-D financial conflicts of interests faced by insiders.

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