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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Very unfortunate (none / 0) (#19)
    by Corinthian Scales on Thu May 26, 2011 at 10:25:00 PM EST
    However, glad you brought Shane up.

    Nevaeh Buchanan's father, Shane Hinojosa, who lives in Toledo, said he has not seen his daughter in two and a half years. Hinojosa has been ordered to take a polygraph test.

    Yep, 20 frickin miles away and he didn't lift a finger to see his daughter for 30 months (others report 36 months).

    Furthermore, please quote in context.

    GRACE: How did you lose custody to start with? Was it over not paying child support?

    HINOJOSA: No. Not at all. I mean...

    GRACE: How did you lose it?

    HINOJOSA: I just don`t know why I didn`t get custody. I guess in the state of Michigan, it`s the grandmother, you know, after, you know, something went wrong.

    Translation: I just don't now why.  Must just be Michigan.  So I said fuggit with being involved in half my little girls life.  {facepalm}  So, are you implying that is 'Father of the Year' material?  I hope not.  I've had privilege with some of the LEOs in the matter and there is a whole lot of stink to go around with the momma and the poppa in that tragedy.

    The other tragedy you present is that.  A tragedy.  But...

    [Chad] Seils had full custody, with Carrie having custody every other weekend.

    Full custody, dude?  C'mon Doug, give it a rest already.  What I see in your linked article is a hack LibTard judge in a LibTard County that was pushed along by an abject failure.  To expect normalcy with those in any scenario is pushing a string, which proves yet another reason why elections have consequences.  Frankly, how this evil sumbitch was even out on the street boggles the mind.

    But yes, both examples are tragedies for many families involved.



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