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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    No need to apologize.... (none / 0) (#2)
    by RushLake on Sun Mar 27, 2011 at 06:10:04 AM EST
    The education aristocrats have two sets of bosses. Those bosses are the administrators and the boards. The boards are ostensibly elected by the "people". The administrators, who should take their cases for termination of striking teachers to the board for approval or tweaking, are in the hip pocket of the aristocrats. Administrators in many districts belong to associations (too professional to be in a union, don't you know?). Their pay scales are jacked up to maintain the spread between them and the aristocrats when the aristocrats get their annual raises. It's in the best interest of the administrators to see to it that the aristocrats get as much money as they can. Since the administrators are allegedly "managment, it would be unseemly for them to strike.

    The boards in most cases are in the hip pocket of the Education Aristocrats (MEA-Michigan Education Aristocrats) for campaign contributions. The aristocrats also provide valuable service in getting the board elected by working closely with the happy idiots. The happy idiots are parents who drink the E.A. koolaid while participating as classroom aides, field trip assistants, popcorn sales coordinators, etc. To the happy idiots, the aristocrats are poor oppressed "workers" who deserve more, or they won't be able to inflate the idiot's kids grades.The idiots can be relied upon to network with their neighbors and friends to help promote the right outcome during the board elections.

    It doesn't hurt for the aristocracy to have the ear of writers for the local papers which have no opposing points of view and thus get the word out in the print media.

    Many of the board members aspire to higher office in the democrap party after their tenure is complete on the boards.

    Bottom line is that nobody in the education power structure or the structure that aids and abets is going to seriously take on the aristocrats and fire them for striking. I would also bet that governor nerd, who quakes in fear of the unions. will never take a strong stand.

    If I were a superintendent I'd have a list of the biggest jerk teachers handy and they'd be the first ones fired if they went out on strike. It's amazing what a few examples can do to quell union discontent if one has the cajones.


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