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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Is D-Day coming to Michigan?

    By KG One, Section News
    Posted on Sat Mar 26, 2011 at 08:47:06 PM EST
    Tags: Unions, MEA, Iris Salters, Strike?, Penalties...are you for real?, No... I'm not kidding. (all tags)

    The more things change, the more things stay the same.

    Living in a town with a number of unions, you begin to pick up on things here and there. Some of them useless, some of it useful.

    Based upon past history, this falls into the latter...

    {Story continues after the fold}

    As I mentioned above, living in a town with unions, you can see some patterns begin to take shape that are a pretty good indication of things about to happen.

    I mentioned earlier about a particularly nasty strike that took place back in the late 90's which devastated the local papers in Detroit.

    No, the papers didn't go out of business because of it.

    But the quality of their final product along with its circulation was never the same. The unions didn't fare much better, especially with an open shop clause.

    Well, one of the things that I didn't mention was that what passes for union "leadership" in that particular example did make plan prior to the beginning of that particular strike.

    Among the things they told their membership was to get their financial affairs in order and to watch their expenses in the months leading up to that strike. Kind of like what Michigan Education Association President Iris Salters told her membership two weeks ago.

    This story apparently has legs now, because the Detroit Free Press decided to write about it today as well.

    Even though the word going round town is that someone is calling for a rally up in Lansing pretty much every day beginning next week and through the entire month of April, this goes way, way beyond what is normally done for something so minor as a protest rally, work slowdown or sick day.

    And with comments like this,

    "The letter was sent to members last week and followed one sent to local union presidents asking them to hold votes by April 15 that could allow the MEA to authorize job actions up to and including strikes.

    MEA spokesman Doug Pratt said the advice to teachers is intended not only for them to prepare for the worst regarding a possible job action, but also to prepare for massive layoffs as districts deal with possible state funding cuts."

    it is a very safe bet that there's a strike in the offing. Penalties be damned.

    Anyone else here care to take that bet?

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    Forgive me. . . (none / 0) (#1)
    by quigonjames on Sun Mar 27, 2011 at 12:09:19 AM EST
    for asking what may be a stupid question but since it's illegal for teachers to strike, if they do, why aren't they fired and replaced?

    Fire (none / 0) (#3)
    by LookingforReagan on Sun Mar 27, 2011 at 08:20:31 AM EST
    Their worthless asses. Just like Cousin Ron did the air traffic controllers. If people were smart they wouldn't let their kids set foot in a government school or should I say Political Indoctrination Center. These teachers are treading on shaky ground as are all the public sector unions. People have seen exactly what motivates these slugs and thugs. Greed and the addiction of power. To hell with the taxpayers as long as they get theirs nobody else counts. Their day has come. They are finished. The citizens are sick and tired of having this privledge class thinking they are somehow better then the rest of us. They work for US. WE pay THEIR SALRIES. Time has come to cut taxes and public sector employees. Cut Cut Cut. Till not one remains. Privatize as many current public jobs as possible. Then lets see how they will come hat in hand begging for their jobs back. No way. Lets us get some decent teachers. Not the Political Indoctrination Technicians that infest our institutions of learning now.

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