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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    by grannynanny on Fri Feb 11, 2011 at 11:14:17 AM EST
    they tried presciptive easment - which means that we "allowed" them to go accross the property over the last 15 yrs. Well, that was shot down because there were very large trees that prevented anyone from driving thru up until 1999 when we had the dead ones removed so they wouldn't fall on the cottage.  

    Then they said it was necessity because the people at the other end are old and are afraid to drive down their driveways - which they say are too high sloped and slippery in the winter.  Then one neighbor complained that his "guests" could not come for Thursday night cocktails because they were afraid to drive down his paved, heated, slopped driveway.

    Then they said it was because emergency vehicles could not access their property via these slopes which was thrown out because the fire/police cheif said he would not come down our road because it is too narrow and he couldn't cross our property because the neighbor's septic system sits smack dab in the middle of their back yard, which he would have to drive over and won't due to fear of caving it in.

    The judge is an effin moron as he "allowed" them to drive across during the winter starting in 2005.  Now they are saying prescriptive easement again because the judge allowed it.  

    It's been a complete nightmare!!!!


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