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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Why Romney? (none / 0) (#19)
    by Republican Michigander on Thu Dec 01, 2011 at 07:48:45 PM EST
    But let's cast all of that aside and focus on what matters to conservatives. I would argue that conservatives, at their core, demand two things from our next president:

        Repeal Obamacare
        Restore capitalism and fiscal sanity

    Why would Romney repeal something that is in essence he signed?

    Fiscal sanity? Romney raised taxes and fees as MA governor. Then there's Romneycare.

    Even that aside, why would I believe a thing he says? I know his record in Massachusetts. He campaigned as a center-left candidate. He tried in some cases to out-left Ted Kennedy in rhetoric. He was pro-abortion until he ran for president. He says he's pro gun now but signed a gun ban as governor.

    Romney's problem isn't his Mormonism (most don't care and every Mormon I've met is good people) or even his liberalism on things. It is that I can't trust him. Talk is cheap. You don't become a conservative at the moment you decide to run for president.  This isn't Reagan, Bachmann, or even Perry. He's insulting my intelligence. I was born at night, but not last night.

    As far as electability, how is this guy electable? Romney has a ton of money and elite level organization. Yet, he can't beat McCain? Someone disliked by both grassroots and establishment? He's struggling in the polls against everybody? There's a reason for that. Trust. Newt Gingrich is more trusted than Mitt Romney. Cain and Perry led Romney in the polls. He can't break 25%, and he's starting to falter even in New Hampshire.

    How is Romney going to beat Obama?

    I'll vote for Newt, Cain, Perry, or even Huntsman over Romney.

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