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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    GOP Primary Stolen? (none / 0) (#43)
    by Mr Galt on Sun Aug 08, 2010 at 05:56:52 PM EST
    Good article.  After the Aug. 3rd primary results, I had made a decision to vote for neither Bernero or Snyder.  But having looked at the Taxpayer Party Candidate, Mathia appears to be an acceptable alternative.

    Funny thing about Snyder, he was only "CEO" of Gateway for a few months during 2006 (Interim CEO, actually) and during his tenure on the Board of Directors Gateway's share price plummeted from the mid-80's per share, to less than $2.  Not what I would call, something to brag about.

    As far as being a "tough nerd", Snyder is no nerd - he is an f-ing lawyer for God's sake.  My take on the primary, is that by appealing to liberal organizations and Democrats, Snyder was able to exploit the split GOP ticket to his advantage.

    The Demonrats know they have an uphill battle to gain the Governor's seat, so they conspired (IMHO) to subvert the election using Snyder as bait.  We are now faced with a Soviet-style "choice" between two candidates who aren't all that different from one another.

    Cox, Bouchard, and Hoekstra may have all had their deficiencies, but they are all decidedly more conservative than Snyder.

    Bernero of course, is a complete non-starter.  He's nothing more than a male, angry version of Granholm (I received literally dozens of emails from the MEA pimping Bernero if that tells you anything).

    My wife and I have been "hanging on" here in the Michigan, with the expectation that we might wind-up with someone halfway decent in Lansing come November.  With this development however, I'm seriously considering taking my tech-skills to a much more business and taxpayer friendly State.

    I'm BEYOND disgusted with Michigan, and her voters.

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