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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Choices (long term point of view) (none / 0) (#41)
    by Pogo on Fri Aug 06, 2010 at 07:01:28 PM EST
    Something that struck me right off the bat, is that this is another Scozzafava. Not that party hierarchy hand picked the candidate this time (as the best popularity contest winner, or whatever), but they set up the rules and system for choosing a party's candidate that allowed this result. I haven't seen that mentioned anywhere- what am I missing?

    Personally, I've made up my mind that you have to pick SOME time and place to take a stand on principle, and if not now, I don't know when it would be. The Republican party has to have a lesson it will sit up and notice- otherwise they will never have any reason to make any changes. I'll be voting Libertarian for gov. in November. Yes, I know it comes at a cost - (if enough people feel the same way) it will bring another Granholmian four years with a flaming red socialist as governor of Michigan. The time and place is right, though- the next few years will see collapsing property and income taxes, and red ink that will cripple any proposals for new entitlements and social programs. Most likely, what's there now will even have to be cut back. A Bernero administration will push the legislature as hard as it can to raise taxes of all kinds, but if there is at least one house to say NO, the public will see a socialist governor having to sacrifice his party's own sacred cows. Michigan will be the most visible national symbol of a union run hellhole; if that doesn't open the eyes of the public, and bring some long term real change, I don't know what would. Who knows, right-to-work, and other once unattainable freedoms might be in store in the next decade.

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