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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I'm old enough to have voted for Reagan twice (none / 0) (#31)
    by maidintheus on Thu Aug 05, 2010 at 03:17:42 PM EST
    as well. I'm also old enough to have heard the lame accusation of not being diverse enough. that's the most ambiguous statement and could be hurled at...well, anyone. Here's a funny (not that diverse only means color, when there is someone even slightly off white standing behind a Republican or standing up as one, they're called token These no win twisters are not something I entertain or will pretend I owe (or anyone owes) an obligation.

    Uh, you didn't just say that you know people who've become dissatisfied by the vocal "far" right, did you? Now you're being silly. The left (much less 'far' left) could hardly (in wildest description) be the place to go to get away from "vocal." What's not being said (obviously) is that what is being vocalized isn't what is wanting to be heard by your so called ex-right.

    The wide tent thingy is right in there as well. You know, if you're going to have French cuisine why serve pizza? This trying to please Everyone...is ridiculous and puts you on a goose chase. I would be inclined to say we don't need yet more of that. Sometimes one needs to do what they do...and do it good/well/better.

    I agree, if I do say so myself; I made some good points :)  


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