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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Different approaches (none / 0) (#17)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed Aug 04, 2010 at 09:33:39 PM EST
    I can respect what you are saying.  I don't necessarily agree, but I can respect it.  And, you can call it, centrist, moderate or anything else that floats your boat.  It matters little to me.  It's all code for Progressive.  Matter of fact, I'm willing to bet that all the Alinski playbook folk that are running the show in DC and calling the shots in Lansing for the past eight years just eat it up watching those in the Republican Party debating nuances of what is a fence sitter and snail pace construction.

    Unfortunately, the Dimocrats aren't gonna put their demented agenda on hold while those in the GOP go through the motions attempting to get their sh!t together.  Yet, somehow conservatives haven't figured out that when someone keeps pushing you, you knock them flat on their ass then dare them to do it again.

    Honestly, I thank my lucky stars that the 56 signers that gave birth to this nation had the onions to tell King George to go take a flying f#@%.  Today, I just don't see that kind of character.  Seriously, all we're talking about is saying 'No' to a bunch of aging hippies, Tofu eaters, Prius owners and their slacker offspring in office, not the goddam British Empire.

    Anyway, my position stands.  The MI-GOP's wallet is gonna be a little lighter 'cause there ain't a snowballs chance in hell I'm sending them anymore money.  I did the same thing on the national level when they thought their 'perfect candidate', Johnny 'reach across the aisle' McAmnesty was a brilliant choice to run against Jug Hussein Ears and VPlugs.

    I make no excuse.  I cannot with good conscience contribute to half measure Republican politicians to combat those who are effectively dismantling of our Constitution.

    Keep your 4 KNO3 + C7H8O → 3 K2CO3 + 4 CO2 + 2 H2O + 3 N2 dry...


    I agree with your premise, u know that. (none / 0) (#19)
    by maidintheus on Thu Aug 05, 2010 at 09:23:40 AM EST
    But :P
    There are many things/areas in which this society has degraded.

    Here's an extreme example: If you believe in Heaven and Hell, it's pretty important. Yet, it's understood that teaching and relationship is key. Precept on precept. That's all I'm saying.

    We admit that things a worse and worse. Therefore something isn't right. We complain about a too left trend in MI. You can be right or you can win. MI hasn't been winning. I'm suggesting a way out. Perhaps a longer but more sure way. Like the difference in not eating for a week and losing a bunch of weight or slowly developing a life style of good food choices and moderate exercise. One works and is 'sustainable', the other..not so much.

    I'm fed up with the 'not so much' method and what I'm suggesting is tried and true, from biblical times to present. That's how all society makes lasting differences, to the good or to the bad, that's how it's done.


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