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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Yes, I do and did go there. (none / 0) (#21)
    by maidintheus on Thu Aug 05, 2010 at 01:48:13 PM EST
    Now, condescend to the points I've made and calmly consider.

    Actually, what you've written goes a long way to make my points with me. You have said it: education. Every country knows that. Religions know that. Obviously, the needed changes in education aren't going to come our political parties on the trajectory we're on now. Further, education doesn't happen by instilling fast amounts all at once. It is built. In order to be a rocket scientist you have to learn to add and subtract.

    You don't start out with a kid at seventeen if you expect a responsible, hard working, self reliant, generous, honest, person who knows how to set goals and reach them. One begins in the first year. If not, you'll have to suffer through the difficult times of planting to correct things until they take root unto better things.

    You're are right. That doesn't make you a winner. Are you perhaps just unwilling to suffer for what we have failed to do over the last decades? I mean, we got rid of Carter in a hurry but we didn't stop sliding in that direction.

    It surely goes without saying that I don't have all the answers. Still, lets continue to reason together. Don't be bull headed just because you're right. We have a gross situation here and we need to all be willing to put our heads together...maybe even do things different to have a different result.

    We don't seem to pick our battles. We're like a shotgun, trying to hit everything.


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