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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Hey Mikey (none / 0) (#2)
    by LookingforReagan on Fri Jun 04, 2010 at 06:55:03 PM EST
    Here's a clue. If the RNC and the Republican Senate Campaign Committee and the one in the House would STOP wanting to nominate and elect RINO's maybe Michigan would have a chance. McCain was a freaking disaster as we all knew he would be. What did he do for Michigan? Tucked tail and ran as fast as he could because it looked like it might be to hard. He took the easy way out, right to defeat. Until Repulicans EMBRACE CONSERVATIVES and stop going after Reagan Democrats like McCain and Lindsey Grahmn the party and this state are sunk. As it is the national party seems to be happy they are going to stick us with Paul Kirk in Illinois and Mike Castle in Delaware. Not to mention Dan Coats in Indiana. All three of these clowns are Moderates who have voted many times in the past with Democrats. Therefore they are totally unreliable. Coats is even anti-second amendment. Until the Republican party elders get it into their heads they are losers and we don't want losers nothing will change. Mr. Steele if you and those you surround yourself with snatch defeat from the jaws of victory as you have in years past, there will be a new party formed in this country and it will be a CONSERVATIVE party and no Republicans need apply. We are heartily sick of the RINO'S, Country Club types and the Rockefeller Blue Bloods. Their time has come and gone. It is time for the Reagan Revolution to be taken to the next level and we intend to do just that. So my best advice to you and your party of foul ups is to get the hell out of the way and let the smart people run this show. We want to win and win we shall in spite of the incompetance at the top of the Republican Party.

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