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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Actually.. (none / 0) (#17)
    by JGillman on Wed May 26, 2010 at 11:39:28 AM EST
    The Cox team has the best organization statewide. Its one of the reasons Saul said he would "be the candidate to beat" in November.

    As to "tarnishing" Hoekstra's name..  Its no Rumor that Pete signed the Bailout garbage.  He must live with the consequence of that act. If it is having to look at commercials that point it out, so be it.  

    Look..  Its a primary battle.  What is noble about sitting back and ignoring issues that matter to some folks?  I know I have made it no mystery whom I support, but opposing sides are free to point out real issues that either affect them or disturb them in some way.  

    If someone wants to draw conclusions from rumor, they can do so, and let the rest of the folks develop their own opinion of it.  If you want to point out Pete's positives, you have that opportunity as well.  Here.. I'll help you.  Pete has done the right thing in acknowledging his mistake of voting for the bailout.  Its a start.  And to be truthful, I am confident he is truly repentant on that issue.

    But issues disagreements are not smears.  And as for a couple of positives about Cox that "resonate with the GOP voters.. " lets pick out a couple of random ones from his site:

    1. Cox will streamline the permitting process to ensure new plants and technologies happen without sacrificing oversight, regulation and sound scientific review.
    2. A plan to remove the cap on charter schools to help ensure every Michigan kid has access to a quality education.
    3. A review of any state energy standard that exceeds federal standards, and to ensure Michigan's is fact-based and scientifically defensible.

    This is just a couple.

    Then there is the MCRI he supported in 2006 when even the Michigan GOP was running for cover on the issue.  It passed heavily, and HE won by nearly the same margin.

    So what part of principled leadership would not resonate with Republican voters this year I wonder...


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