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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    It would appear (none / 0) (#10)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Dec 09, 2010 at 11:23:08 AM EST
    That Speaker to be Boehner and the Republican leadership have temporary amnesia. They seem to have forgotten what happened on November 2. Not only was it a repudiation of Dear Leader and his Marxist policies but it was a repudiation of the political class as a whole. The number of Republicans that were primaried and lost in those elections was enough to have sent a message that the moderate RINO wing was out of favor and that Conservatism was the rule of the day. Not so it seems. We have the leadership not only giving Congressman Upton the Chairmanship of one of the most powerful committees in the House but word came down yesterday that Congressman Hal Rogers has been appointed to Chair the Appropriations Committee. For those that have never heard of Hal Rogers he is the Republican equivilant of the late Bobby "Sheets" Byrd. He is referred to as the Prince of Pork. Over the last many years he has personally requested $175,613,300 in earmarks. And if you total the amount that he has requested in legislation that he sponsored and that which he was a co-sponser the amount is a staggering $246,000,000. This is the guy that the Republican leadership has given the keys to the treasury. I guess it will be business as usual and WE THE PEOPLE will find ourselves right back were we did in 2006 when the "spend it while you have it" Republicans got tossed out on their ears. Nothing it seems as been learned. First Upton to Energy and Commerce and now Hal Rogers to head Appropriations. How soon they forget. If this continues I can see something shaping up for 2012 that will be a total disaster for the country and the party. If these appointments are what we can expect from the House leadership then we are in deep trouble. Obama will be reelected, and the Democrats will once again be given the keys to the Kingdom. I have to ask. How stupid are the Republicans? Or do they just have a death wish for America?


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