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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Wilson Derangement Syndrome much, Tom? (none / 0) (#10)
    by Corinthian Scales on Sun Oct 31, 2010 at 11:42:30 AM EST
    Tom, the Northern Michigan Liberty Alliance folk must be part of that big ol vast "Right-wing conspiracy" against you. Compare and contrast...

    Dan Benishek - Very genuine and probably tired from all of the campaigning. His biggest response of the night came for his answer to the question about Social Security. Interesting that the majority of the audience agreed with the doctor despite the huge amount of advertising against him on this subject. He also promises to vote to repeal the new health care bill. The common thread of his campaign is smaller government and lower taxes.

    Glenn Wilson - Glenn gave few specific answers and spoke in very broad terms. Sometimes he didn't address the question and simply stayed on his message. The basic gist of his answers were that he is a successful businessman that has no money, compared to his rivals, and that you should vote for him if you are tired of the two party system and want to poke a finger into the proverbial eye of democrats and republicans. An overall lackluster and disappointing performance.

    Yep, that's the Glenn Wilson I've been exposed to.

    I just pray that Glenn, you, Glenns' curly haired surrogate along with the fringe 8% of Glenns' supporters in Northern Michigan don't f#@% up this election in CD-1 for the rest of us common sense voters.

    You Wilson folk are a defeated people.


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