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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Please note the postings appropriately. (none / 0) (#7)
    by JGillman on Mon Oct 18, 2010 at 10:42:26 PM EST
    I defended Glenn in the context of the video.

    However, I am a realist.

    You KNOW I personally supported Linda on her try both in an initial financial gift and in actions behind the scenes.

    When she floundered and was gaining no traction I looked to who had the best chance to gain the seat come November and saw Dan and Jason as best bets.  I did what i could here so that there was as little tearing up of each as possible.

    You also know this.

    Now Linda, who played the game in the Republican primary supports an Independent who has less of a chance than she did.. its here right, and your own.

    But I find it stupid... If in fact he gives a rats a$$ about the seat going to the Dems.

    As to the Jet.

    I merely ask the question.. Whom might be the supporter to provide such a tool for the campaign.  Is it HIS? or HIS business, or a friends?  If it was a PAID charter for the purpose of this campaign activity will it be reflected in the financials?  Just a question.

    As to Benishek being my "savior.."  Really?  Dan is a good man who has committed his own CASH to his campaign, comes nowhere close to the PAC money being pumped in on McDowell's behalf, and he has done VERY well with private donations.  He is the right person in the right place right now.  Wilson is not.

    And BTW, the money situation is something YOU guys seem to make an issue about.  Keep talking about it, and then feel free to explain the Jet.. umm... 'Contribution.'


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