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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    "...good faith operators?" (none / 0) (#5)
    by maidintheus on Mon Sep 21, 2009 at 03:37:31 PM EST
    Yeah right. Are you sure you're watching The T.C. Commission?

    Yep, ban and change so people can't have rental properties or easily make a buck. Rather then ask that lil' old lady why she didn't call the cops, just make a new law and zone. Mmm hmmm, good faith.

    Yep, we're over ran by stray dogs on the beach and crazed boaters. They spend so much time, effort, and money on manufactured bs, it's amazing how the public continues to humbly go along. I'm just shocked we don't have a huge piece of 'art' where dogs and boaters piss around.

    Lets build roads...so bicycles and walkers have it great and the things that actually are supposed to use the roads get inconvenienced but foot the bill. Do these "frustrated" ones need a park bench and land scape at every intersection, in every median, and do they really land smack on top their head when they fall off their bikes? Me, it was always the crotch, knees, elbows, even took it to the chest a few times. I know what I want them to do with their so called "good" intentions.  

    As to the dog poo, I'd suggest OCDed Scrudato spend her time picking this up, as she seems to be the watchdog of said item, pun intended.

    Dude (I mean Carruthers) can be on cig butt duty, this would be fitting as he's much concerned on these matters and would be most likely to notice from his perch atop his bicycle.

    "If kids see that it's normal, they are more likely to try it," Danto said. Ahh, how kind of twit to underline what we all know to be true. This is why we're onto you as regards the public school indoctrination. I will personally place that "good faith" operation where it belongs! You in?

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