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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I like p-up trucks too! (none / 0) (#31)
    by maidintheus on Mon Sep 21, 2009 at 02:57:23 PM EST
    And the Libertarian tends to lean Democrat, they land a vote over there quite frequently. They're thieves, I tell you! Why do they call themselves Liberal? Whatsup with the civil rights rip off? And plenty of their causes, ripped straight off a Quaker with a twist for ruining the economy by forcing things we can't afford. Like one should legislate generosity, a crock and scheme! I could go on, you get the point. No, I'm not goin' all 3rd Party. I'll vote for McTurd again if I have to.

    Plenty of Anarchy to go around with Libertarians as well. A bit too chaotic for my taste and I'm not into their Dem leanings.

    As for "why aren't there more" of us running for bla, bla, bla... Hey, you just got through saying we're a bunch of yahoos and you want a 3rd party. Try voting for us and YOU can quit with the friendly fire as well.

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