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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Make a difference (none / 0) (#23)
    by midlandrepublican on Mon Sep 21, 2009 at 11:31:57 AM EST
    You know, all the conservative and libertarian activists on here and other blogs like to complain about the Republican Party not being a voice for conservatism.

    It seems like too many of you don't understand there is a fundamental difference, and rightly so, between the conservative movement and the Republican Party. For the sake of both, there needs to be a firewall between them; they cannot be one and the same. It's easy to sit back and complain on the blogosphere. Why aren't more of you getting involved by running as precinct delegates, serving on the county Republican committee, becoming delegates to the Michigan Republican Party conventions, and running for local and county elected office?

    In Midland County, we are fortunate enough to have a strong party, but that's not the case in Northern Michigan. I will be retiring to a county next May where there are only four precinct delegates and the county party meets about four times a year. Our state representative in Northern Michigan is Democratic and many local conservatives vote for him because he's pro-life. Perhaps that's the problem! I would have no problem voting for a candidate who was 99 percent conservative except for his stance on abortion. Whereas too many conservatives, especially in Northern Michigan, will vote for the Democrat simply because he's pro-life or pro-Second Amendment. Shame on them.  

    How are we supposed to keep in power when the vast majority of Republican county commissioners are senior citizens? Step up and get involved. These old folks can't win competitive elections against the Democrats who are moving in because they are too old and have never had to run a real campaign before; they don't know the first thing about elections.

    That's the fault of the Michigan Republican Party, which has not put enough resources into Northern Michigan.


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