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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I disagree (none / 0) (#14)
    by Eric T on Thu May 14, 2009 at 08:06:17 AM EST
     To try and paint this as a struggle similar to what black Americans faced throughout history is wrong. Not even close. What the blacks faced with slavery and being treated poorly for years, even after slavery ended. Is different, because, being black is a noun. You are born black. There was a dark time in American history where blacks really needed extra protection from the Federal government.

    Does our society still view race issues the same as it did in 1860, even as it did in 1960 I'd say not at all.

    You really need to look no further than President Obama as proof that Americans are not very racist.
    And groups like the KKK have been marginalized, and have nowhere near the following they did after the civil war or even in the 1920's

    To try and add gays to a protected class, why?
    Where are the statistics that would prove that attacks on gays is even close to what African Americans faced after the Civil War or even into the 1960's

    Being gay is a verb, it is an action, people may choose to be gay today, then tomorrow, may choose to not be gay. They may like both, They may like men and women. They may even chose to be gay when they benefit from it. If affirmative action programs or hate crimes are extended to gays. Don't you think people will turn on and off, the gayness, when they want to get ahead because of it. If people can get a better paying job, or give a more severe punishment to an attacker because they are gay, this puts them at an advantage over every one else.

    I think we are all created equal, and, I can see why, hate crimes were needed, in the past, but, at some point, the country has got to move towards equality for everyone. Instead of creating protected classes, and giving certain groups and exalted status. And treating everyone else like 2nd class citizens. This kind of stuff will keep hate alive and growing. you'll hear more (How do I get into a protected class? I want the government to give me preferential treatment too,!!)Why not add Straight White Christian Males to the hate crimes bill too. Is it open season on us???


    Agree & Disagree (none / 0) (#15)
    by Brady on Thu May 14, 2009 at 10:28:42 AM EST
    Whether the cause of homosexuality is genetic or formative, sexual preference is established and immutable by the time puberty begins.  The idea of sexual preference being a choice an adult makes isn't rational.  People have free will over their sexual behavior, but not their sexual preference.

    Having no strong political or religious biases on this issue, I think it is in the best interest of society and the individual that those people with a same sex preference form monogamous lifetime relationships just like people with an opposite sex preference.

    In terms of the hate crimes bill, I agree with Eric T and Leon Drolet that listing particular classes of people appears to violate the equal protection clause.  But then, so do same sex marriage bans.  It works both ways.

    I'll be very happy once the left and the right move beyond the gay rights battles.  Private relationships between consenting adults shouldn't be public policy issues.  The Culture War is being driven by people with various political and religious agendas, not by common sense.


    Gillman great point! (none / 0) (#16)
    by Eric T on Thu May 14, 2009 at 06:38:05 PM EST
    "If a "gay" never performs an act of "gayness," is he/she really "gay?"

    Born Gay, is a rather flimsy case.

    Back in the days, I worked with and went out with quite a few women, That were into other women as well as men. In time, it seemed that most of them eventually found Mr. Moneybags, left the girlfriend and went on to have a family, kids, and the house in the suburbs. ect...
    Maybe it was just a phase or fad for them.

    The question is, can they haul out older experiences to qualify for the "hate crimes bill".

    Or could someone just say "I was born gay", to qualify for some preferential treatment, if you feel you need it, but just don't qualify for it based on race ect...

    How do you measure authentic gayness?


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