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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    A few notes: (none / 0) (#29)
    by Nick on Sat May 02, 2009 at 09:10:05 AM EST
    1. Props to Representative Amash for coming online and explaining his vote.  That's the beauty of the blogosphere.  Open and free exchange.

    2. Apparently I am (and remain) much... MUCH... more worried about the potential for expanded fraud should this bill become law.  

    I remember back in 2004 working election day in Detroit we had teenage guys working the poll circuit, delivering meals to our poll challengers.  After leaving one precinct in Detroit they were followed by a pair of large men in a truck.  The men pulled up behind them at a stoplight, drove into their rear bumper and forced their smaller car into oncoming traffic where they were T-Boned.

    The next time WE saw those poll workers, they were being discharged from the hospital.

    The Left in Michigan will LITERALLY stop at nothing to steal elections and stuff ballot boxes.  

    As for the argument that this bill won't make it substantially easier to vote absentee, away from the supervision of elections officials?  If it isn't EASIER then why does anyone think we need the law in the first place?  

    1. Chet- You and I are going to have to agree to disagree on this one.  Opening even the SMALLEST new window for the Left, the Right or the Center to attack ballot integrity is a big freaking deal and something that I'm going to sound an alarm about.

    2. Gillman- Thanks and...

    3. You're right.  I tend to think the world of Representative Amash, Reps, Booher, Lund, and the whole team.  Great public servants who I agree with much much much much (much) more often than I don't.  And given the opportunity I'd vote for them over their Democratic opponents 100 times out of 100.

    That does NOT mean that a guy can't (and that I won't) call a FOUL when he sees one.

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