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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Conservative ideas win Michigan (none / 0) (#2)
    by michiganperspective on Sun Apr 26, 2009 at 12:58:02 PM EST
    Couldn't agree with conservative fox more!  Defense of Marriage Act passed with huge support and it abolished civil unions!  Michigan Civil Rights initiative passed with a huge margin and barely any elected officials except Mike Cox and Leon Drolet supported it!  In fact, Cox is the only candidate running for Governor that supported all 3 conservative initiatives loudly and proudly--MCRI, DOMA and Partial-birth ban and he won the state in 2006 with a huge margin!

    When are we going to stop running from conservative ideas and realize real conservatives win!  

    What is going on with all this open tent talk?  Rick Snyder supports civil unions and embryonic stem cell and is trying to buy the primary.  No way!   Last December, Terri Land goes to Palm Beach of all places and says the lesson of 2008 is to make the GOP a big-tent party which would not have conservative values and remove the pro-life, pro-family platform of the party.  

    And why is the lesson of 2008 that we weren't big tent, moderate enough?  Mr. Moderate John McCain (pro-civil union; pro-stem cell; pro-immigration) was our nominee!

    We don't have to change the party to win elections!  We have to have real candidates who can articulate why they are conservative! Shame on any county that brings Huntsman's message as the guiding message!

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