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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Shame on Terri (none / 0) (#3)
    by Eric T on Sun Apr 26, 2009 at 03:20:32 PM EST
    you said-
    Terri Land goes to Palm Beach of all places and says the lesson of 2008 is to make the GOP a big-tent party which would not have conservative values and remove the pro-life, pro-family platform of the party.  

    I always hear alot of talk, about how people want to get rid of the social conservatives and values voters. And I imagine these discussions may have even angered some GOP regulars, and kept them home on election day.

    1. When you look at the polls mentioned in the 1st comment. Allowing Terri to lead would be like. When your trading stocks and you sell the one that has been doing good and double down on one that hasn't. I'd think it would be better to give the one doing good, some more time, and sell the one, that is losing or not doing much like   ( being moderate on issues like gay marriage ect...) .
    I think Terri running on a kick out the values voters platform, will send alot of folks to take a closer look. At Sheriff Mark Hackel, and John Cherry. The GOP will probably lose the Senate also.

    2. GOP has been big spenders over the years.


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