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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    A collection of inconvenient facts... (none / 0) (#6)
    by pauldpeterson on Tue Dec 01, 2009 at 09:48:40 AM EST
    Before these same political hacks on the Left were fearmongering global warming, they were warning us of an ice-age or that we were going to spin-off into the solar system away from the sun's energy. Ever since they sent the Pioneer probe to study Venus in 1978 and discovered the Venusian atmosphere to be 96% CO2, they've been fearmongering the "greenhouse effect" ever since. Nevermind Venus is too close to the sun, has no plants, very little water (less than 1% as water vapor now), only 3.5% nitrogen, etc, etc, etc.

    The Lefties here caught onto how this could benefit their taking more power in the 80's. When the Berlin Wall fell in '89, and the Commies were driven from Russia when the Soviet Union fell, they dispersed into the "Environmental Movement". This is why it seeks to control everyone with world government, which is nothing short of a world takeover since Reagan showed them they couldn't do it by force of arms.

    By contrast the Earth's atmosphere is 74% nitrogen (an inert, noble gas), 25% Oxygen, and the remaining 1% is "everything else", mostly water vapor, and a tiny sliver is CO2. In their arrogance Liberals just don't get how vast the planet and the atmosphere is.

    Carbon is the building block of life here, what we have in common with the plants. We just swap breathables cyclically.

    There isn't enough CO2 locked up in the biosphere or the ground that could possibly begin to affect the atmosphere were we to try to put every bit of it up. Even if there were, plant life would catch up so quickly to elevated atmospheric CO2 that they wouldn't let us get very far, even if we could, even if we consciously tried to destroy it. It just couldn't happen!

    Just as "political correctness" is definitely NOT correct, "green energy" or "green jobs" are NOT green. Reducing CO2 seeks to starve plants and by extension, our own oxygen supplies. CO2 MAKES green; it does not deter it and there isn't enough in the atmosphere to properly support plant life as it is.

    "Greenhouse effect" is good; it's what makes our planet "just right", unlike Mars, which if it could maintain an atmosphere, might be habitable, even at its distance. The greenhouse effect captures the Sun's energy for life here. Plant and animal life balance one another automatically, even though there are cycles which take time for equalization to work out.

    Al Gore, et al, are enriching themselves with perpetrating FRAUD upon their own people, and going further to destroy the West in favor of distributing our wealth internationally by fearmongered theft. This is nothing short of TREASON on Al Gore's part and all who have been accomplices. It is his "revenge" for not being elected. Can you imagine the hell we'd already be in if he'd been President? Thank you, George Bush!

    We don't want to give our money to Al Gore or other countries!

    Even so, what if the science WAS correct? How does it make sense that a warm spell on the plant is a bad thing anyway? Throughout history, all life on the planet does much better when it is warmer. Perhaps we could use temperate climes further north so the rain forests could spread, eh? What is inconvenient is that it would disturb where some animal and human life forms have staked claims on territories. Well, maybe they should be more willing to change.

    Sea levels WILL NOT rise any more than a glass of ice water overflows when the ice melts (because it doesn't). You would be surprised at how many students theorize that it would. Just ask some. Polar ice caps, for the most part, are floating in/on the oceans, specifically the Arctic Ocean. There isn't enough ice on actual land masses to change the oceans much, even if they were to melt. Any changing would be so gradual as to not upset the adaptability of the world or species within it.

    There's plenty of fossil evidence which shows that the world may ultimately return to its natural temperature, which may just be more temperate; not because of us, but because of the final stages of receding ice from the last ice age. Duh!

    Finally, God is in control; and God separated the land from the water. This means there isn't enough water left to cover the planet or much more of the land. He promised there would be no more floods. Nature will do as God wills outside of our puny influence. Yet, God also put us in charge of ruling the animals and dominating the earth in good stewardship. This doesn't mean we can control nature, but it does mean we can use it as we will. Nature has its own means for covering what we do up, and relatively quickly too.

    Notice how it was to attack a Godly world view (which the Constitution supports, I might add) before any of these other political aims happened or gained ground. Gee, I wonder why? Seems a little orchestrated generationally, doesn't it?

    For more interesting reading on Global Warming and the Nut Job the Left is doing by manipulating everyone's fears, see my "Big Picture..." blogs at  
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    Paul "Revere" Peterson
    Conservative Patriot
    Internet Columnist

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