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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Stupid is as stupid does. (none / 0) (#4)
    by LookingforReagan on Tue Oct 06, 2009 at 10:41:28 PM EST
    As usual the Progressive Liberals use the only page in their playbook and do exactly the WRONG thing. To these people when in doubt raise taxes. Hasn't worked for the last seven years and it won't work now. Never has, never will. It is apparent to me that with the idiots I see as elected officials in this state from the local, state and federal level that intelligence is not a requirement to be elected to a political office.Just be a big enough suck up to the powers that be and you are in like Flynn. When are WE THE PEOPLE going to demand better of our elected officials? When will we finally be able to elect people that actually care about this state rather then filling their own pockets. These are sad and altogether unAmerican times. If the founders were here today what would we say to them. Could we as Americans look them in the eye and explain all this. I know that if my nine family members that served in the Revolutionary War suddenly came back and ask "what have you done." What would I say. Would they if they could answer tell us that their sacrifice was worth it once they were to see what WE have made of this country. We have let it slip away and it is time, with very little time left for us to gather it back up and return this country to a government of WE THE PEOPLE. It is time to send the permanant political class packing. We need terms limits on every single elected and appointed position in this country regardless of whether local, state, or federal.

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