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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Legislator Pay (none / 0) (#7)
    by goppartyreptile on Thu Oct 29, 2009 at 09:49:33 PM EST
    Are you, on your job, answerable to between 80k and 240,000 people, depending on your title?  Who can call you, whether they like you or not, and ask for help battling our out of control government? Or a whole host of other issues? or just to chew you out and tell you how to do your job? Or pull you aside at the grocery store and give you an earful about some pet project?

    Look, anyone that draws a salary from the taxpayer has to face the fact that we all get a say in their salary, but I don't like these "kill the legislature" proposals that do nothing about the problem, and only punish those in office.  Because it feels good.

    I don't know what that job is worth, but we passed term limits in a rush to punish politicians, and look how that turned out.

    The legislature's job isn't  just to pass a budget, a bunch of trained seals could do that.

    And I find it odd that anyone on this website would be upset about the lack of a budget, seeing as how the only way this thing could be resolved amicably would be to give in to the governor.

    I sat in the house and senate gallery in 2007 till the wee hours of the night hoping the government would shut down, even though that meant I wouldn't get a paycheck.  It was the principle then, and now.

    We need a strong legislature that actually does it's job of being a check on the executive... the permanent government.  That's where our problem is.

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