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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Here is another thing. (none / 0) (#4)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Oct 29, 2009 at 07:08:04 PM EST
    Our dear Governor, Jenny No Jobs wants to keep funding at the same level or impose an increase on funding. To me this doesn't make a bit of sense. Why maintain funding at the same levels as we did six years ago? The reason I find this strange is that we have lost tens of thousands of students that have left the state. Some school systems in our area are looking at consolidation as the only way to continue operation. So the only reason that I can see for Sister Jennifer Granholm of the Holy Sisters of Money Laundering to mainain this level of funding or to support  increases is for teacher salries and benefits. If there is another reason I would like to hear it. But if she wants to go on with the same numbers there can't be any other reason then for the teachers to get raises. With fewer students it makes perfect sense that we would need to spend much less to get the same result. Unfortunatly the results continue to slide as the teacher salaries go up.More money isn't the answer. We have heard Democrats bleating that song for sixty years. The solution to this is to remove the cap on charter schools, pass laws allowing vouchers for students in failing schools to attend private, charter or other schools. Put competition into the mix and you can damn well bet costs will go down. That is the beauty of the private sector and PROFITS. It means doing more with less to get a better result then the next guy. That is why government fails. It has no competition and therefore doesn't have to worry about costs. If I am all wet then show me. But I think I am pretty well on the mark. Government is the problem. Home schooled children are doing better on test scores then the kids in Government schools. But then the schools we have now are nothing but political indoctrination centers. I guess that is why home schooling is also under attack by the left. They cannot compete with or deny the better results. So it must be attacked and couched as evil. Besides home schooled children are more independant. Public school students are taught to be dependant and that is the real reason for fearing better educated citizens.

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