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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Bologna (none / 0) (#5)
    by Nick on Fri Jan 23, 2009 at 01:18:14 PM EST
    Not only have I explicitly approached the life issue from all angles in my life and action, I've done it here on the site.

    I'm a regular supporter of crisis pregnancy centers, womens counseling centers, post-abortion counseling and other individuals and organizations who look after special needs kids.

    It was just last summer that the RightMichigan.com community came together and raised a ton of cash for the Alpha Women's Center Life Walk here in West Michigan.  You were a part of that effort, Brady.  (Thanks, again!)

    Groups like Alpha and Baptists for Life have ZERO lobbyists or explicit legislative agenda.  They exist to eliminate abortions one at a time by helping the hurting.  And I applaud, volunteer and financially support them.  As do countless other conservatives here in Michigan and across the United States of America.

    But in keeping with Tocqueville's famous observation, I believe society must not fail to defend the sanctity of all human life.  

    There was a time in this country when slavery was legal.  It was a barbaric practice that robbed human beings of their dignity.  There were several approaches to confronting that evil, as well.  Some purchased slaves and set them free, some worked with property owners to dissuade them from purchasing or continuing to own their fellow man and still others fought valiantly for decades to emancipate a people.

    Still, over a century after the civil war, we still struggle with evils of slavery and its legacy.

    Instead of robbing dignity, abortion robs from our brothers and sisters and sons and daughters life itself.  It requires a comprehensive solution.  It will not be something that goes away overnight and it won't be easy.  It may take another century before our society truly values life the way conscience dictates it must, but the enormity of the task and the root of its problems (the devaluation of human life itself) cannot dissuade us from actively and aggressively moving our nation towards something better.


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