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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Why the need for Change? (none / 0) (#12)
    by Eric T on Fri Jan 16, 2009 at 07:39:25 PM EST
    Change for the sake of change?
    Change for the sake of politics?

    Most of the guys I work with were in the service, the old timers talk about the days where they put saltpeter in the food, to keep the guys off each other. They clearly have had problems with homosexuality it in the past. The military has a good reason for the policy, would be my guess? I imagine if they were to describe their reasons in detail, it would be to vulgar to write on this blog.

     BrandonHall- saying the "Eric T's" of the country.
    Well we were there to ban gay marriage in Michigan, and many other states, including California. I think there is a large number of us, Many of us were raised, as Christians, and thru out our lives been taught, traditional values that state, homosexuality is a abomination to God. Many in the service, going into battle, might choose to have a strong relationship with God, because at the end of the day, if they lose the battle, they will be standing before Jesus Christ and they will be judged.

    You make it sound as if the whole country, is ready to go "gay". When,In fact alot of democrats, are disgusted, with the fact their party, is the party of gay issues, I hear it all the time, I meet alot of blacks that always vote democrat, but they are devout Christians and really struggle with the party line on the social issues.

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