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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Tax Increase (none / 0) (#8)
    by Brady on Sun Sep 07, 2008 at 10:38:03 AM EST
    Again, no tax increase could not have been possible without the cooperation of Sen. Bishop and the Senate Republican Caucus.  Republicans went along with a tax increase because there was no will on there part to make 1.5 billion in cut either, cuts that would have been far more noticeable to many Michiganders than the tax increase was.  As we've seen from state budgets over the past 10 years and from Washington, Republicans are just as willing to spend as Democrats are, they're just more hesitant to pay for it.  That reflects the public will.  No one likes tax increases, but we would have heard far more discontent with 1.5 billon in spending cuts than with the tax increase.

    One of the little reported items about last fall's tax negotiations is that Dillon preferred to use the income tax as the rememdy rather than create a service tax as well.  The service tax was a Senate Republican idea that Dillon consented to in a compromise.

    One of the best tax ideas to come forward in the past legislative session is the concept of a progressive fair tax such as that being pushed by Rep. Sheen.  It would eliminate the income tax, personal property tax and most business taxes.  The concept is dear to the heart of many fiscal conservatives.  Yet, it has very little support in the Republican Senate.

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