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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Cheney is correct (none / 0) (#7)
    by gnu2u on Sat Aug 02, 2008 at 01:54:14 AM EST
    Conservation ~is~ a personal virtue.  It is what people do to make their individual contribution to reducing fossil fuel consumption - it is exercising self-control over ~your~ energy use. Perhaps you missed this chapter in philosophy 101,Novi, but you cannot compel people to be virtuous.  

    Conservation alone cannot be the foundation for a sound comprehensive energy policy.  It simply isn't enough. There is no one "thing" that can provide a sufficient basis for a sound energy policy.  (See SUV's and the Big 3 for a fine example of putting all of your proverbial eggs in one basket).  It needs to be multi-faceted- hence the term "comprehensive", which is tossed about by both sides of the aisle.  Conservation is only a part of that policy. Solar energy, wind energy, nuclear energy, new refineries, offshore drilling - all need to be a part of a comprehensive policy.  (as an aside, I find it interesting that the $/bbl has dropped about $6 since the R's have been pushing for offshore drilling)

    I ride my bike to work and back every day.  That is my form of conservation.  My small effort won't have a huge impact on oil consumption rates unless and until other people do the same, or drive golf carts, or carpool, or do a multitude of things that individuals can do, without government assistance or interference, to decrease their dependence on fossil fuels. I don't need a government program to help me "conserve".  I just do it.  So Novi, go get yourself a bike and start pedaling.


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