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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Bill Milliken; Pat Toomey (none / 0) (#11)
    by Angry White Male on Fri May 09, 2008 at 05:52:56 PM EST
    ". . . he stepped further outside the bounds of acceptable partisan behavior than perhaps any other Republican I've seen in my lifetime."

    You are perhaps too young to "recall" the Milliken era, but we had a taste last year when he and Blanchard chaired the Governess's tax hike committee. Milliken also supported the 1983 Blanchard tax hike.


    I assume the Ball defender above is someone close to the man, perhaps one of his staffers. They might be interesting in Pat Toomey's piece in the WSJ yesterday, "In Defense of RINO Hunting." He concludes:

    "A Republican majority is only as useful as the policies that majority produces. When those policies look a lot like Democratic ones, the base rightly questions why it should keep Republicans in power. As the party gears up for elections in the fall, it ought to look closely at the losses suffered under a political strategy devoid of principle. Otherwise, it can look forward to a bad case of déjà vu."

    Conservatives were betrayed by the GOP congress that settled in after those halcyon days of 1994. They were also betrayed by the GOP House led by Rick Johnson. Political parties are about power, not principle, and unless the grass roots are willing to take a few out and shoot 'em now and again they can expect ever more betrayals.

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