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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    indoctrination (none / 0) (#2)
    by maidintheus on Fri Apr 04, 2008 at 09:18:35 AM EST
    It seems that people believe all the crap that our academic systems perpetuate. Society has allowed the indoctrination of a radical left. There is no reasonableness. Are they really this HARD HEARTED? Cold, mean, and only a selfish purpose to consider. The senseless arguing over the substance/offspring of the womb/uterus. It obviously has to do with one's purpose and not one's facts, common sense, reasonableness, intelligence, and empathy. If one is born with missing "parts" or a condition that makes them look less human, and they have any number of birthdays, should their birth certificate be revoked? When they die should they be dumped some place? Who are these people that want to parse these things? What is their purpose and where is their humaneness? It would appear that just because they have an organ that pumps blood they remain heartless. Perhaps their birth certificates should be revoked on this alone. Should it be up to me if they get a grave site and how/if it should be marked? What if I petition that they should be "dumped" and "unmarked" so their substance goes unrecognized, not remembered, and unimportant, if this is what I believe. There would be a lot of people saying, believe what you want but don't force everyone else to abide. The very least they could do is give the person who is "terminating" a choice. They could sign for dumping or they could sign to have their "substance" cared for in a way that would be more respectful.

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