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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    They are telling us who they really are. (none / 0) (#4)
    by LookingforReagan on Sat Apr 19, 2008 at 09:52:03 AM EST
    Andy  Dillion is just one of many Liberal Socialist Neo-Communist politicians that are showing us who they are and what they envision as the workers paradise. With them in charge and skimming the cream from society while the rest of the peasants toil to serve their needs. Sounds like a monarchy does it not? Or at least a recreation of the old Soviet Union. The two remaining Presidential candidates for the Thug and Tax party are also telling us who they are. By their words and associations. Radical terrorists from the sixties and seventies, race baiters and anti-Semites and Marxist anarchists all of whom hate America. From Saul Alinsky to Reverand Wright, from Andy Dillion to Hizzonor Thug Master K, it is quite obvious that to them the laws are for others and Constitutional rights apply to them and them alone. In my opnion the laughably named Democrat Party is a terrorist organization and should be on the watch lists of all national and international law enforcement agencies. From the money laundering schemes and sex scandles they are truly a criminal enterprise and their behavior hasn't changed since the sixties. They wish to tear America down and destroy every societal institution from Church to family if they are given the chance. We must defeat these people once and for good in 2008. That these people and their party must be destroyed for America to survive is crucial.

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