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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Labor Data Source (none / 0) (#11)
    by Southwest Washtenaw on Wed Nov 19, 2008 at 10:40:58 PM EST
    Mich.gov...The Labor Market Information/Dept. of Labor and Economic Growth.


    The numbers I cited came from the Unemployment Statistics (LAUS).
    For October 2008 they indicate a Labor Force of 4,931,000/Employment at 4,474,000/Unemployment = 457,000 with a Jobless Rate of 9.3.

    Using "Industry Employment (Establishments -CES)" -
    4,153,600 is the total Seasonally Adjusted/Total Nonfarm Number of Employed for Oct 2008.  

    Using that standard, Seasonally Adjusted/Total Nonfarm - the Number of Employed reached a peak in June 2000 at 4,691,500. In December 2002 the Number of Employed had fallen to 4,469,400 or 222,100 jobs lost.  Since Dec. 2002 the Number of Employed has fallen by another 315,800 (About 175,000 in Granholm's first term with a Republican controlled House and Senate and about another 140,000 during her second term with Dems controlling the House and Repubs controlling the Senate).  


    • Wow. by Nick, 11/20/2008 05:46:27 AM EST (none / 0)
      • Wow by Southwest Washtenaw, 11/20/2008 09:09:54 PM EST (none / 0)

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