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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Wow (none / 0) (#14)
    by Southwest Washtenaw on Thu Nov 20, 2008 at 09:09:54 PM EST
    My "pro-Granholm-Cherry measuring stick"?
    So if I call in to question the the responsibility of Republicans for any of the job losses in this state since 2000 that makes me pro-Granholm-Cherry?

    The implication of the original post is that somehow Granholm and House Democrats are responsible for job losses in Michigan/9.3% unemployment rate.  

    In addition, the post implies that back in March of 2000, the low unemployment rate existed because Republicans controlled the State Legislature and the Governor's office.

    I would argue that blaming Engler, Granholm, or the state legislature for these job losses is silly...I'm just wondering if DCuz (or you) actually believe that Granholm and the House Democrats are responsible for these job losses and if you do believe that, do you blame Republicans for the 222,100 job losses from 2000-2002? How much responsibility should the Republican-controlled legislature take for job losses from 2003-2006? How much responsibility should Senate Republicans take for job losses over the past two years?


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