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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Sorry Nick, but this IS a Rick Johnson tax hike (none / 0) (#3)
    by Hayekian on Fri Nov 14, 2008 at 04:52:37 PM EST
    The reason the UI fund is deleted is because this bill increased payouts by around 20 percent. That adds up over seven years. Under the law the money for those payouts comes from "assessments" (taxes) imposed on employers. If the UI fund gets low because the payouts increase, the assessments go higher. Action -> Reaction. Just because it happens on somebody else's watch doesn't shift the responsibility.

    For some reason this makes me think of a recent exchange on TheNextRight.com, in which John Henke concluded with this:

    "Without spending cuts:
     -tax cuts aren't really tax cuts.
     -Republicans lose their traditional stronghold on fiscal and tax credibility (which would explain why the public actually trusts Democrats more than Republicans on taxes).
     -Republicans end up playing a game of deficit chicken that ultimately favors the Democrats."

    Nick, there's no shortage of sins to be legitimately laid at the Granholm's feet, but if all we do is elect more Rick Johnsons what's the point? Senate Repubs imposed a new tax on computer makers yesterday, and the inevitable outcome of a past spending spree by Repubs finally came home to roost in another tax hike yesterday. We need to quit letting these people off the hook (which you didn't do when you promoted my computer tax item today).

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