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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I am NOT defending Rick Johnson (5.00 / 1) (#4)
    by Nick on Fri Nov 14, 2008 at 05:06:25 PM EST
    Personally or professionally.  And I agree 100% about the necessity of matching cuts with cuts.

    But you're right.  I'm wrong.  Obviously this would have happened even if Dick DeVos had won in 2006.  Hayek himself couldn't have stood against the power of Rick Johnson.  

    In fact, this governor in particular has very little to do with anything six years after her election.  She's a figure head.  Like the queen of England except no one has to bow when she walks in the room.

    No sense ever laying anything at her feet.  That's a lesson I learned a few years back and here I'd forgotten it.  

    Elections don't matter.  Unless you elect Rick Johnson.  Because THAT man is able to single handedly increase taxes by a half billion dollars four years after he leaves Lansing.  Matter of fact, it's all probably better attributed to his plumber.  I heard he had a backed up toilet one morning, the plumber was late to the house, it soured Johnson's entire morning and led to this entire catastrophe.

    Stupid plumber.  Of course, he was only late because of a pot hole that was the direct result of a Jim Blanchard road funding decision a decade before and that all went back to an argument he'd had with his wife over how many fingers Def Leppard's drummer still had.

    Now that's what I call bringing on the heartache.


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